Hyacinth Carter, a former private investigator, and Maxine Mabel, a Hollywood starlet enjoy retired life as new neighbors. They acquire hard-to-get tickets to the premier entertainment experience Brindlewood Bay has to offer, which is rudely interrupted by a brunchtime murder. Grab a mimosa and tune in to COZY CITY.
Cozy City is mini-series produced by Fun City and Fortunate Horse.
Support the Fun City team and access bonus content on Patreon: http://patreon.com/funcityventures
Learn more about Brindlewood Bay by Jason Cordova: https://www.gauntlet-rpg.com/brindlewood-bay.html
@funcityventures is the show on twitter
@funcityventures is the show on instagram
@funcity.ventures is the show on tiktok
All episodes are on https://funcity.ventures
Bijan Stephen (@bijanstephen) is Hyacinth Carter
Shannon Odell (@shodell) is Maxine Mabel
Jenn de la Vega (@randwiches) is The Keeper and everything else
This episode was recorded at various locations around Brooklyn, New York; and Los Angeles, CA. Produced by Jenn de la Vega. Edited and sound designed by Sam Grant. Mixed and mastered by Mike Rugnetta.
“Pixlriffs is our leading witness at the moment but we need to squeeze him a bit more to find the murderer.”
Our Discord mods are Olivia Gulin, Kit Pulliam, and Kelly McKew.